The Best Day to Wear White:

A typical Wednesday morning would start off as, wake up, go to drawing class, take pictures of what we are drawing, sit there for three hours staring at the huge and frightening drawing challenge, go home and eat. Well last Wednesday was not one of those days. As we went to the Pantheon to draw, our Professor found a Florentine paper making shop and then ran back to find all of us saying, "Come with me!" We then preceded to follow, and wound up in this shop watching the owner give a demonstration on making their colorful paper. Then he said three of us could try. Of course I am usually one to want to do it but never say anything then regret it later, but I thought, "When in Rome," and raised my hand. So I decided to make a green, pink, and black paper design. The man gave us an apron, and said be careful because the inks will never come out.. hence the title since I was wearing my only white oxford that I spent forever finding one that fit me just right. But moral of the story, if you are careful, the Florentine paper making ink won't get on your nice white oxford.
Other Tales:
I went to Papa Francesco's inauguration mass, and got to see him on the pope mobile! Also, because of the mass, all the buses near me were stopped so my class was cancelled!
My love, Zara.
Some pictures from Thursday's class, we visited Piazza Navona and several churches near it.
Elephants are my favorite, hands down. And this one is smiling with me.
There were a bunch of peacocks walking around the zoo. This one had its feathers open (since other female peacocks were around).
By far, my favorite animal at the Villa Borghese Zoo!
On Saturday, I spent six hours walking around Rome going into major churches, and even random churches I passed by. I took so many pictures and had a lot of fun. I really like exploring the city, with Rick Steve's book in hand, since we don't see everything in my classes, and its better than sitting around the cramped apartment on the computer all day; even if Pinterest is calling my name.